RUN of the SHOW document ….here
Here are the latest plans for Carpslam XVIII.
As amateurs (Slamateurs) sign up for the competition, a fundraiser website will be set up for each person. Fundraising for the DSP will take place from May 1st through September 14th, (the day of the tournament) BUT, the top 14 fundraisers AS OF September 1st lock in their spots to fish the competition. (plus 2 alternates). There a decent probability alternates will end up fishing based on previous years.
If there is a tie of fundraisers for the final spot, a 24 hour window of fundraising will be extended to break the tie.
1. The in-person pre-party and team/beat draw is Friday, September 13th from
6:30pm – 9pm(ish) at River North Brewery Blake Street Taproom (3400 Blake St.)
River North has 2 locations so make sure you go to the right one.
2. Once teams are drawn at the party, please start a group text with your team. All names & phone #s will be on the official Carp Slam display. This group text will be beneficial for morning meet-up at specific parking spots, and if you are separated on the river while scouting. As a backup, CARP SLAM officials will notify all competitors & controllers of their teams and beats via text to get contact information out to all team members.
3. On Saturday morning, Controllers must meet at CSU Spur, Parking Lot N (1093 National Western Dr, Denver, CO 80216) at 7am for a MANDATORY CONTROLLER MEETING. Competitors are welcome to join to discuss rules. We will go over all rules and guidelines for catching and measuring fish. Controllers will pick up swag bags, box lunches, measurement net & tape, NZ Mud Snail boot spray, and final instructions for any of their teammates who are not present. Hope to see everyone there.
ABSOLUTELY NO VEHICLES CAN BE LEFT IN THE PARKING LOT OF CSU SPUR. If you drove to the morning meeting, you must drive away. You can jump in teammate vehicles once you meet at your beats.

4. We will head out of CSU Spur at 8am to meet up with your team members at your morning beat. Fishing starts at 9 am. (9am–12pm morning session, 12pm–1pm lunch & travel, then 1pm–5pm afternoon session). Controllers will be sending in data throughout the day and winners will be determined by 5:30 pm.
5. AWARDS Ceremony will take place at River North Brewery Blake Street Taproom (3400 Blake St.) starting at 6:30pm. Dinner will be provided after a long day on the river. Come back and relax and we will kick off the award ceremony for the tournament and fundraising efforts. The presentations will be live-streamed and we’ll post a video recap a few days afterwards.
6. The fishing portion will not change, you’ll fish on selected beats with your controller acting as referee and time keeper.
Other news:
Again, thanks for all your fundraising efforts in a challenging year. Your money will be used to install Forever Access Points along the DSP, improve habitat below Chatfield Reservoir, remove fish barriers on Bear Creek and help us add accessible fishing structures along the river. We’re also partnering with local organizations to introduce urban kids and families to their home river. 100% of funds go to our river and community programs. All thanks to you!