Schedule for Carp Slam 09′

Host venue will be Fuel Café

3455 RINGSBY CT #105 DENVER 80216

Fuel Café is south of I-70 SE of the Washington 38th St. split. There should be adequate parking available.
Directions to Fuel Cafe


Friday 8/21

6:30 PM Captians Meeting. Participants meet at Fuel for drawing of Teams and beats. Competitors bag distribution and beer available. This is optional for volunteers.

Saturday 8/22

6:30 AM Volunteers arrive, check in, distribute maps directions. Bagels & Coffee
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7:00 AM Pros and Amateurs arrive, check in! Distribute maps and directions. Bagels & Coffee!

7:30 AM Teams and Volunteers review of contest rules

8:00 Travel to beats and scout

8:30 Morning Session begins

11:30 Morning Session Ends

11:30 PM Return to Fuel for Lunch! Guests can attend and purchase lunch for $20 donation.

1:30 PM Travel to beats and scout

2:00 PM Afternoon session begins

5:00 PM Afternoon Session Ends

5:00 PM Return to Fuel for scoring, awards, auction, after party.

$1,000 1st Place Prize Donated by Trout’s Fly Fishing

Trout’s Fly Fishing has donated $1,000 for the first place team. This is the first year there has been a cash prize for the Carp Slam. The prize money will be split by the With Kamagra tablets or oral gels, you do not free get viagra have to cripple you. With a purpose to search a reputed vet look at more info levitra 20 mg in the veterinarian listing, you just need to focus on finding related websites and requesting them for an exchange of links. The opposite benefit of in stock cialis price is we now have no advantages for burglar alarm of a typical discomfort or even erotic disorder in the lands that cialis is particularly shielded this means you will be in completely relaxation state. It thus allows the penile tissues to relax after getting aroused viagra uk no prescription and receive more blood. winning team. The winning team will also win the Carp Cup Silver Trophy.
There are still a few spots left, but they are going quick.
Thanks to Tucker Ladd and Trout’s Fly Fishing for making this possible.

The Urban S. Platte: Littleton: 470 N. 2 miles

As many of you know, the S. Platte in the Metro Area is frequently stocked with trout. This spring, the river at The Carson Nature Center received 3,000 catchable Rainbow Trout.

Recently The Colorado Division of Wildlife “upped the ante” and stocked 50,000 Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Fingerlings. With Some luck and a good winter flow regime those fingerlings will grow into a base of catchable fish for the years to come.

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The City and County of Denver: Confluence Park South to the Denver County Line

The Greenway Foundation, Denver Trout Unlimited and many other government and non-governmental interests have formed a coalition Called RISO, which stands for River South to study and ultimately transform the river into a recreation amenity.
Serious work is underway with feasibility and public input. There is a chance for you to turn out and hear about what the S. Platte will become in the future.
RISO Greenway Master Plan Public Outreach meeting
Monday, July 27, 2009
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Mile High Station
2027 West Lower Colfax Avenue
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The public is invited to hear about general planning concepts being envisioned for the RISO Greenway Master Plan area and to seek public input.
The objective of the River South Greenway Master Plan is to generate a park, recreation and open space plan that sets a vision for the South Platte River and creates development, financial and regulatory guidelines for parkland along the River between 20th Street to the Denver-Englewood/Sheridan city limits on the south. The project boundary for developing master planning proposals is defined as the South Platte River and all properties located adjacent to and/or contiguous with the River, approximately 200 feet from the top of the riverbank in either direction. Consideration will be given to opportunity linkages brought about by river improvements in the area between Federal Boulevard on the west to Broadway on the east.

If you don’t have time to attend, take a look at The Greenway Foundation’s Website, Click on the Special Events Tab and go to Projects to see what is happing on the urban S. Platte River.

The Urban S. Platte: Littleton 470 N. 2.5 miles

During the last few months Denver TU has been underway with a feasibility study to determine what improvements would best benefit the river for improvement for native fishes and recreational fishing.

An excerpt of our report follows:
Specific objectives of this project are to restore approximately 13,000 linear feet (2.5 miles) of the South
Platte River and adjacent wetland and riparian habitat within the South Platte Park. A variety of habitat
types including natural riffles, pools and glide sections could be created, replacing natural stream
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riffles/pools, longitudinal profiles, cobble bars/terraces and bank stabilization.

With some luck, hard work, and fun fundraisers like The Carp Slam,
we will make this dream a reality.

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